At the core of Pure In Heart's church organization is Mrs. Eddy's brilliant Church Manual. The Manual is an amazing work, both for the points it does and does not address. Pure In Heart works to see that we hold tight to Mrs. Eddy's clear vision laid out in the Manual. At the same time we work not to limit church to those "traditions" that have surrounded Christian Science churches for years, which are not specifically Manual based. With the Manual as our guide, we have designed a church organization big on prayer and minimal in church clerical and managerial duties. Regarding branch church organization, Mrs. Eddy remarked in 1902, "I do not believe in much organization in church. The churches are over organized" (A11444, The Mary Baker Eddy Collection, The Mary Baker Eddy Library). And to Judge Clifford P. Smith upon a visit to her home at Chestnut Hill, Mrs. Eddy commented, "Organization is a simple matter of doing things by working together" ( Reminincences of Judge Clifford P. Smith, The Mary Baker Eddy Library). Pure In Heart takes Mrs. Eddy's direction seriously and has designed a Manual based church organized to allow its members the time and freedom to focus on healing work. The church organization is streamlined to keep managerial and committee duties in the background and keep the business duties of minutes and procedural guidelines to a bare minimum. Pure In Heart meetings are run exclusively on the core principle of the Sixth Tenant:"The Golden Rule." This rule is our guide to harmonious, purposeful and fruitful meetings. Working to run meetings with the principle of "One Mind" in action has dispelled the belief that many minds require strict rules of order to sustain harmony. Love for our fellow members forms a natural and inspired order to our meetings. |