If you have a deep love of Christian Science and a heart open to growing and learning more about the goodness and allness of divine Love, we would love to have you join us as an active member of Pure In Heart. All who are striving to grow in grace, no matter your struggles or challenges, are welcome in our church. Being a church member is all about giving and learning to give. Selfless giving of your time, your patience, your love and your talents is the healing adventure of church that blesses our lives and works to help and heal all mankind. Our membership application is the last menu selection under the "Membership" tab and is a PDF file that you can print out, complete and submit to the clerk or any member. We will then arrange a convenient time for a face-to-face meeting with the current board members, who will share the privileges and responsibilities of membership. This meeting is a friendly get-to-know-you time and a chance to ask questions about Pure In Heart. A new member welcome packet will follow. |