Our Sunday School teaching is a wonderful foundation for children of all ages to learn to know and to feel God's incredible goodness and love. The Bible is at the core of all Sunday School teaching, and our teachers share their love of the Bible and the lessons taught in its sweet stories and inspiration. A Christian Science Sunday School education is a life long support and basis for embracing life as a child of God.
Our Sunday School is held before church, to allow the students above age eight to attend church with their parents. During church the younger children enjoy what is called “Bible Time”. They listen to Bible stories and play games that teach the Scriptures. The goal of “Bible Time” during church and our regular Sunday School classes is a thorough, practical understanding of the Scriptures.
Our Sunday School is for children and young folks up to the age of twenty. Even our very little ones are included in Sunday School, as Pure In Heart's youngest class is the nursery, where “play with a purpose” including observance of the opening of Sunday School with the hymn and the Lord’s Prayer is an integral part. Bible stories are at the heart of the nursery time and children move to Sunday School classes as soon as they are individually ready.
The pre-school and elementary level classes are rich in the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and the healings of Jesus. The older classes continue with a wider more in-depth view of the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s seminal work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. The older classes also begin the inclusion of the Christian Science weekly Bible Lessons and discussions of relevant topics. All students are taught the goodness and allness of God, and of His precious child, man made in His image and likeness. All, up to the age of twenty, are welcome in our Sunday School. |